After writing my last post, I had to cut some content out, simply because there are too many facets involved with leading up, so I thought I’d turn it into two posts.
Going back to the podcast I recorded with the gents from Tech Arts Weekly, Duke DeJong pointed out that it is so easy for us technical people to talk about gear, but the real news is life change.
Leading up means I am putting my successes and failures in the context of ministry impact, which is something that pastors care about. They care less about replacing projector lamps or getting a new sound system. They care deeply about spending the church’s resources on things that will reach more people or help the people that are already there become more like Christ.
How is the work you are doing contributing to life change? That’s what your leaders want/need to know about.
Van Metschke, the TD for South Hills Church was talking to us about one of his key volunteers and how their life had been changed through his involvement on the production team. He really didn’t fit in anywhere else, and he has thrived using his gifts for the body of Christ. He is now continuing his education to learn more about the technical arts, and while we were talking, Van received a text from him mentioning how his fellow students are commenting on how Christ shows through him.
The trouble for many of us is that we spend so much time with gear and dreaming about equipment upgrades, that it is easy to lose sight of what we should be spending time on: developing people. Pushing our teams to be more Christ-like. Pushing them to accomplish things that they didn’t think were possible. Showing them what production looks like in the context of the local church.
If we are only ever working on the gear side, that’s all we know how to communicate.
How much time are we spending focused on what really matters, so that we can communicate it to our leaders?